Might as Well Face it You’re Addicted to Love

Are you a love addict? Do you crave attention from the opposite sex? Do you feel uncomfortable when you are single? Do you need to be in a relationship to feel secure and good about yourself? Welcome to the world of love addiction. Love addicts, like most addicts, are searching… READ MORE

10 Ways to Clear Your Fear In Your Career

When we were children, the world was our playground. What we wanted to do and be when we grew up was always exciting, fun and at the young impressionable age, our dreams seemed realistic. But as we transitioned to adulthood, things change. We get bombarded with the to do’s and… READ MORE

Break Up with Your Inner Critic

I’m in the best relationship of my life. It took me 31 years to get here, but I feel like I have just discovered the gold at the bottom of the rainbow. I just want to share it with everyone. It wasn’t always this extraordinary, I spent over 20 years… READ MORE