Meet the people who inspire me . . .

People often ask me who inspires me? Yes, the world is filled with celebrities, famous folks and public figures all doing what looks to be like great things, but the people who inspire me most are the ones on the ground floor turning their dreams into a reality.  Clients I… READ MORE

How to Make a Difficult Decision in 3 Seconds or Less

  Something I’ve seen and experienced firsthand is thatindecision is a dream killer.I used to be a chronic overthinker, stressing myself out trying to think my way into solutions and often missing opportunities because I didn't act fast enough.Looking back, I wish I had acted sooner on so many dreams… READ MORE

Find Your Happy in Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is having more than a moment. Once a hidden secret tucked away on the corner of Europe, Portugal’s sun-drenched capital has risen up like a phoenix from the ashes of the global recession to claim its mark and become one of the world’s hottest destinations. I’m excited to call Portugal… READ MORE

Spiritual Renegades — A Quest for Belonging

There is a unique utopia, a secret society of health, abundance and wellness that springs up from the earth to grant its guests a gift unbeknown to them, the grace of unconditional love. This special pocket of the world can be accessed by anyone, and the universal wisdom can be… READ MORE

Unexpected Ways to Connect to Your Best Self Instantly

It's one of the most wonderful times of the year, or for many one of the most stressful. I spoke at an event last week about how to stay balanced through the holidays, and one of my suggestions was to connect to your joy, become a joy seeker. Afterward, someone… READ MORE

How to Honor Your Creative Instincts When I tell people I’m a writer, they usually say one of two things: “You actually make a living doing that?” or “I could never be a writer; I’m soooo not creative.” When most of us think of “creativity,” the starving artist comes to mind, and we often think… READ MORE

How to Be There for A Loved One Who is Depressed Click above to watch this weeks video. Do you love someone who is down and out? Maybe they are depressed, isolated or feeling lonely. When we start to practice happiness and make it a way of living, we often want to share it with others. As we grow happier,… READ MORE