Reclaim Your Authentic Power in 2020 (Here’s How)

I’ve spent the past week in Arizona connecting with my own teachers and mentors at the Kryon conference and awakening to new concepts with the goal of maximizing our time on earth and making 2020 the best it can possibly be.

There were a few themes that ran throughout the week, one being that you have a hidden power within you that wants to awaken.

In my book Joy Seeker: Let Go of What’s Holding You Back So You Can Live the Life You Were Made For, I talk about how many of us unknowingly give our power away. We do this by focusing on things we don’t like, worrying, staying stuck in fear and hiding our true self from the world. But 2020 is a year of clear vision and activating your truest, most authentic self.

We can tap into our inner power by understanding the potential of 2020 and the gifts it can bring.

The year 2020 (in astrology and numerology) is all about structure, the year of master building and foundation. Anything that is inauthentic and out of integrity will fall away and reveal itself as false. As we step into a time of deeper harmony through compassion, we have the opportunity to come together in our humanity vs. replaying the old story of separation. Take this time to really focus on who you are in the world and what you came here to do.

We all have a purpose and you don’t have to find it—it finds you, for it is already within you. You just have to allow yourself to live more on purpose.

Be compassionate with yourself as you look inward and get honest. What no longer feels in alignment with who you are? What is falling away? What is emerging and trying to come forward?

Here are things to consider for 2020 to help you reclaim your power and be who you are meant to be.

1. Create & Celebrate Routine & Structure

It may sound odd to say “celebrate structure,” but taking the time to create more structure and routine is really going to help you in the long run. Routine is about balance, and it shows a commitment to ourselves and loved ones. When we show up for ourselves regularly, we establish a solid connection and build our relationship with self. Essentially we are keeping promises to ourselves and this leads to more trust. And who doesn’t want more self-trust?

Creating a daily morning routine for meditation, nature walks, movement or journaling gives you a chance to connect to your true self. Developing a morning routine can benefit your entire day because you will feel more grounded. Taking time to set a solid routine for your creative pursuits, such as writing, painting or creating music, is important as well. Give yourself time each day to do what you love.

Look at your day and ask yourself how you can create more routine and structure. This predictability will help balance and ground you.

You can improve the world by doing more of what you love. When you do what you love, you are in joy. This joy extends out of you and helps uplift the world. 


2. Go Inward & Upward

There can be a lot of distractions in the world, and when we look outside of ourselves, things can feel bleak. But when we turn our attention inward, we start to feel a connection to what matters most, our connection to self and source energy. If you want to feel more balanced in your outer world, focus on feeling more balanced within. Take time to go inward and use discernment with everything.

Ask yourself:

  • Does this feel true?
  • Does this add value to my life?
  • Is this in alignment with what I want for my life?

If the answer is no, be willing to change your habits, restructure your day or create more space for what you do want. This includes taking time to connect to your higher self. Your higher self is the authentic version of you, but it isn’t actually higher than you. It is within you, your light, your inner guide. Your inner guide is always giving you insights, clues, signs and direction. Listening to this part of you will help you feel more balanced and purposeful.  

3. Step into Your Sacred Responsibility

Just as you can’t hire someone else to exercise for you and get you the results, you can’t have someone else do your personal growth work. It is important to take responsibility for your own life. Identify any area of your life where you are blaming, pointing fingers or rehashing the same story over and over. 2020 is a new energy, new year and decade, and you can best utilize this time by taking responsibility for your life as a glorious grand adventure. Start by seeing how you play a part in every situation you have been through and recognize the patterns in your life.

If you keep finding yourself in similar situations, or surrounded by the same types of people even if they are unwanted, there is a pattern. You have a sacred responsibility, something that in your heart of hearts you know you are meant to do, and this is the year to proudly, unapologetically and clearly say Yes, I choose me, and I step into my purpose. This is your time, your year, your decade.

I’d love to hear in the comments what you hope 2020 holds for you.

Take This Lesson Deeper By Getting My Book, Joy Seeker!

In Joy Seeker I share the step-by-step process for letting go of what’s holding you back so you can live the life you were made for.

This book is a path to discovering our true self—the hero within. The relentless pressure to succeed, measure up, and reach for ever higher goals can leave us feeling like we’re just not good enough—or that something’s missing. At the end of the day, after giving it our all, the last thing we want to feel is hopeless, anxious, and disconnected. Joy Seeker helps you reclaim your power and step into a meaningful, purpose driven joyful life. Get your copy here.

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