There is Beauty in Breakdown

This is my first published story ever. It shares in more detail my journey of leaving depression and my career in advertising to follow my heart and become a writer. This story first appeared in Chicken Soup For The Soul: Think Positive, 2010.  *** I’m sitting at my office desk trying desperately… READ MORE

My Step-by-Step Method to Get Rid of Problems and Insecurities Do you have a problem that is sucking the life out of you? Is there a problem causing you so much frustration and pain that it is hard to function on regular activities? We all have problems and insecurities; it’s called being human. But we don’t have to let… READ MORE

Let Your Dreamer Come Out and Play

 What do you dream about? Do you have a dream tucked inside your heart? Of course you do. The real question is, do you have enough courage to let that dream come out and play? Maybe you think about traveling the world? Do you ever think about running your own… READ MORE

How to Remain Hopeful When the Outcome Is Uncertain I am in the middle of pitching my next book idea to major publishers. This has been a goal of mine for the past six months and after working on the proposal, my agent and I are finally pitching it. But the outcome is very uncertain because I don't have… READ MORE