Are You Waiting for Happiness To Come To You?

I was talking to a client the other day and she was telling me how she has spent the majority of her life climbing the corporate ladder. Although she is very successful and happy, she explained she loves her job, but she doesn’t love her life. She told me “I don’t have a life. I’ve spent so much time dedicated to my career that I have put off living.” Maybe you can relate. A lot of the times we put off our own happiness because we are busy with the demands of everyday life.  It is the classic “There is always tomorrow…” syndrome.

Another way to know if you are putting off your happiness is to ask yourself where are you waiting in life? Are you waiting for someone else to do something in order for you to be happy? For example, are you waiting for your boss to give you that promotion you so deserve, waiting for your significant other to propose, or change,  are you waiting for your partner to have more time or money so you can play more together, or quit your job so you can finally follow you bliss? Ask yourself why are you waiting for someone else to make you happy? You can do the things you want to do now.

Aristotle said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” Take back your power and do what makes you happy without expectations placed on others.

Here are a couple tips to help you take back your power and be happy now.

Recognize that Each Person Has Their Own Version of Happiness

The goal of living a fulfilled life is to do what makes you happy. No one else in the world has the same views, history, thought patterns, genetic make up as you. What makes you happy may not make another person as happy. Allow yourself to do what makes you happy and align yourself with your own heart. Don’t spend your life waiting for another person to do what you want them to do because chances are they will never come around.

Turn Your Expectations into Appreciation

When you expect something to happen, or you put expectations on to someone else to do something, or say something, it puts a strain on the relationship. You are expecting someone to be someone they are not. This creates a conflict with yourself and their true self. This happens a lot especially in romantic relationships. Maybe you want your significant other to be a different way, and when they don’t follow through how do you feel? Usually mad, frustrated, lonely, and guilty. Recognize these feelings that come up and release them. Instead of turning to these low vibration emotions turn your expectations into appreciation. Tony Robbins says, “Trade your expectations for appreciation, and your world changes in an instant.” By replacing your expectations with thankful thoughts you will feel more powerful and free in the moment. Instead of being mad that they dont’ want to do what you want to do, appreciate them for their unique self and honor your own true self and follow through on what will make you happy.

True happiness is an inside job. You don’t need to wait for anyone else or any outside circumstance to happen before you can be happy. Happiness starts now in this instant, with you choosing to be happy.

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