Vibrational Healing Meditation For Body Love & Peace 

How is your body doing? Most often we don’t ask that type of question, but your physical body has needs and most often, it is trying to talk to you. In my book, Return to You, one of my favorite chapters, Lesson 8: In Order to Receive You Must Release, I talk about body love and how important it is to listen to it’s needs.

Whether you want to improve your relationship with self, feel  more comfortable in your own body, heal and harmonize from a medical diagnoses, or find optimal body balance, this vibrational healing meditation for body love and peace can help.

We live in a society that focuses a lot on the physical in what often feels like a superficial way. We talk about, think about, worry about our bodies’ physical appearance—how do they look, how much do they weigh, how healthy are they, what do others think of them, etc. It is a constant focus of the already tired and exhausted human brain. We overthink our appearances and wonder if our bodies are enough, but in this constant push-pull, we are at war with our true self. Our spiritual self is so much bigger than our body and has no limitations. To the spirit, the body is beautiful, no matter what. But we forget this as we strive to make our bodies fit and be perfect, yet in doing so we take attention away from nurturing and caring for our whole self. Your whole self is what wants more attention and care.

Steve Sisgold, the author of What’s Your Body Telling You? shares that we can tap into the power of “whole body consciousness” and use the innate wisdom of our bodies to reduce stress, create peace, and attract success in our lives. This means the number on the scale does not determine your worth. Your level of health (or lack thereof) is not an indication of your value as a human being. Your gray hair starting to show, or you lack of hair (or whatever other physical issue you obsess about) doesn’t matter. We are so much more than our body. Think about what you could do with all the time you spend obsessing over how to change your looks or make yourself more likable.

When we realize that our physical body is a vehicle through which all aspects of ourselves can exist and find expression, then we can release our limited view of attaching ourselves to the body. When our physical body is out of balance, we feel weak, angry, jealous, greedy, fatigued, and ungrateful, and are susceptible to illness. As Kundalini teaching shares, when the body is overly connected to the ego, it turns into an obsession. with physical appearance, physical abilities, and the material world. To feel more harmonious with your physical body, develop a routine that keeps the body strong and flexible. Extend your energy to elevate others by being grounded in your own light and love. This will help to support the health of body, mind, and spirit.

Here is a meditation for body love.

Vibrational Healing Meditation For Body Peace  

Repeat these words as you do this activation meditation:

“Dear Universal support system of love and light, please remove all negative energy, thoughts, and perceptions directed at me or within me. 


Visualize the energy of your higher self as a most glorious golden-white light pouring in through the top of your head. 

Picture the white crystalized light flooding your entire body with warm, loving presence and flushing through your whole being. As the light touches each cell it transforms it into pure health and ultimate vibrancy. 

See the white light soothing all of your cells and activating their highest potential.

Feel the energy flush through you as it transforms away all disharmony and discomfort. 

Repeat these words aloud 3 times: 

“I acknowledge the light within me. I accept the perfect love that I am. I am whole. I am love.”*

* Excerpted from Return to You: 11 Spiritual Lessons for Unshakable Inner Peace

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