Use Your Voice & Rise Up

We are in the middle of the most profound cosmic shift in all of human history. This is a global awakening calling the collective shadow to light. It may feel like things are getting worse, but they are being revealed. All shadows on earth are being exposed. This means the shadows within ourselves must be looked at as well. What pieces of your self have you hidden from, turned a blind eye to, been afraid to address?

Now more than ever, we need to go within and really declare what we stand for. As a collective, humanity is rapidly changing. As we move into this next phase of growth, we are being asked to choose. What do you stand for? Using your voice, aligning with your truth, and standing firm in your power are essential.

I’ve spoken a lot recently about everyone being open-minded and entitled to their own opinions. But this does not include denying people basic human rights, harming others, or spreading harmful misinformation. Right now a massive force is trying to spread misinformation, keeping us turned away from the most important issues impacting humanity.

Modern-day slavery is REAL. Human trafficking affects over 40.3 million people, and over 2.5 million-plus are children exploited for the multibillion-dollar sex industry. I just learned that I-5, the freeway I take often, is one of the most popular human trafficking routes as it connects Mexico to Canada.

Child trafficking is real and happening! 2020 has been a horrific year for our children, continually being forgotten and overlooked.

I use to think this type of stuff only happens in other countries, but it is happening all around us, all the time. The United States is the single largest producer, participator, supplier and revenue generator of these horrific crimes against humanity.

Reports of child abuse cases are millions higher this year than they were last year. This is not a small thing or a conspiracy theory—this is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. The children need us. It is time to Rise Up for them.

Can we please stop fighting with our neighbors and friends over masks and mandates, and come together and start fighting together for our fellow humans who need us?

Here’s how you can help.

Thursday July 30 is World Day Against Trafficking In Persons

Join a RISE UP FOR CHILDREN demonstration near you! 

On July 30, all over the nation, people will be coming together to help bring awareness to this issue through peaceful demonstrations. Children can’t protest or march in the streets, so we need to stand up and be their voice. Demonstrations help raise awareness about child slavery and the importance of government action in the interest of victims of trafficking. We encourage everyone to take action to prevent this heinous crime.

See a full list of locations here.

Take Action: Sign Petitions

Pornhub, the world’s largest and most popular porn site, has been repeatedly caught enabling, hosting, and profiting from videos of child rape, sex trafficking, and other forms of nonconsensual content exploiting women and minors. We’re calling for Pornhub to be shut down and its executives held accountable for these crimes.

Sign petition here 

Educate Yourself

Get Trained

Take the free SIGNS OF TRAFFICKING TRAINING online COURSE. I just took the free online course to help know the signs of human trafficking so we can break the chain.

Take free class here 

Watch Documentaries

Operation Toussaint 

The Abolitionists

The Pedophile Hunters

Fall of the Cabal (parts 3-4)

Stopping Traffic

Use Your Voice: Speak Up

Use your social media platforms, share your support, and share important news stories online. Use hashtag #OURrescue #RISEUP #EndHumanTrafficking #RiseUpForChildren #GetLoud


Don’t ever underestimate the power of prayer. Pray for the upliftment of humanity, so crimes against one another end. Pray for the truth to be revealed so we can heal these deep wounds and pray for love and support to those harmed by others and justice for all.

Program the Human Trafficking Hotline Number into Your Phone


Together we can help those who need us most.

I’d love to hear in the comments what causes you care most about and what you do to support them.


Photo by Himanshu Singh Gurjar

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