The outcome that is certain…

We are entering a new phase as we close out the year. You may have felt it—the energy has shifted, and perhaps you even feel a heightened awareness. This is a combination of the entire year working its way into the final weeks; as we ascend, shift and grow, we have a grand opportunity to use this potent time to align with our highest potential, personally, emotionally, and collectively.

This week in particular is a big one in the United States, as our election process is unfolding. Whether you are super invested in a particular candidate’s outcome or you don’t care much for politics, I want to offer that from a spiritual perspective, it doesn’t matter as much who wins but what happens after will shape and form our real future.

Who do you want to be in the face of victory or defeat? Showing up with love, integrity and respect and uniting together in our humanity as the human race, differences and all is our core truth.  We live in a system that is a master manipulator at creating separation and divisiveness, please don’t get caught up in the external drama.

Our true self knows that oneness is the way. I invite you to go into your heart and tap into that inner light, the divine spark within, the version of you that is free of judgment, hate, shame and blame, the part of you that knows compassion and kindness is the only way forward. The part of you that knows the outcome that is certain is the one that is for the highest good of all involved because everything is always in divine order.

Now is the time for deep, radical trust.

Join me as we move forward through the dark, with our inner lights turned on bright and in focus. You can be the lighthouse. Now is the time for you to step into this divine mission.

This morning, I pulled a mantra card from my upcoming oracle card deck Unshakeable Inner Peace (that’s in production now, available next year), and I asked: What message do we need for this week?

And this is the message I got for us.

Oneness is the way.

Are you harboring negative emotions because of other people?

Look at the people you are resisting and judging: any troubled relationship is a reflection of an unhealed emotional wound within yourself. When you look at someone else and project hate or judgment, you are hurting yourself in part because you are putting more negativity out into the world.

You are being asked to see the people who are causing you stress in a more loving manner. Because in truth everything is connected to everything else. We are all one. What you think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe around you. We are all connected through creation. This means that everything you do has a ripple effect and it can impact the collective—not just yourself. Remember that your actions both matter and make a difference in the world.

Love is within you and the connector to us all. You can increase your communication with all of life, with respect and love.* As you do this, you will start to see how similar we are and that we are indeed one.

If a person is causing you stress, instead of seeing them as separate from you, use this opportunity to recognize the higher self within you and them. When you become one with the other, you become one with everything in existence. Once you tap into the infinite love and power of your higher self, which is beyond your individual personality, you cannot keep yourself separate from others.

Question: How can I show more compassion and acceptance toward those I don’t understand?


*Dr. Peebles’ teaching: 3 Principles


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