It’s Time to Live a More Purposeful Life

Something happened between the release of my book Adventures for You Soul and The Self-Love Experiment. I fell in to the trap of the industry. It wasn’t by design, it wasn’t my agent or publisher putting these demands on me, it was me, only me. I became obsessed with trying… READ MORE

Unexpected Ways to Connect to Your Best Self Instantly

It's one of the most wonderful times of the year, or for many one of the most stressful. I spoke at an event last week about how to stay balanced through the holidays, and one of my suggestions was to connect to your joy, become a joy seeker. Afterward, someone… READ MORE

How to Navigate a Major Life Change with Grace and Ease

I want to share a quote I just came across from Anthony Bourdin: “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts; it can even break your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you – it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your… READ MORE

How to Make A Fabulous Living Doing What You Love

I’m on book tour right now and loving every second of it. It’s such an honor and privilege to turn all of my passions—travel, writing, speaking, and teaching—into a rewarding career. People often ask me how I have so much energy, and the reality is when you do what you… READ MORE

How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over Click to watch. I was talking to a friend last week about her goals, and she said something that resonated with me. “I know what I should be doing, but I am just not doing it. And I don’t know why.” As she was talking, I realized how many… READ MORE

Same as it Never Was – 3 Empowering Ways to Move Past Rejection Click to watch. We all experience it: the dreaded NO. Unmet expectations gone awry. He’s leaving you. An old friend stops talking to you. A family member cuts you off. You’re denied the loan. The publisher declines your book. Your ex just remarried. You didn’t get the job, or… READ MORE

Stop Taking Things Personally – Here’s How We were in my parent’s kitchen when I told them I was invited to be on the local morning TV show. They wanted me to talk about depression after the wave of attention the mental illness received when Robin Williams died. My father said, “Shouldn’t a doctor on mental… READ MORE