My Wish for You for the New Year

Here we are. Another year closing down, a new one just around the corner. Full of promise, hope, and the start of something new. This time of year, between Christmas and New Year’s Day, is always a special moment in time. I like to call it the space between. It… READ MORE

Dear Body, There’s Something You Need to Know…

Dear Body, I can’t believe I’ve never said this before. My dear body, it's long overdue, but you need to hear this from me. You need to know that you are magnificent. You need to know that I love you. You are incredibly beautiful. All of you—every expanded stretch of… READ MORE

3 Super Simple Steps to Calm Your Anxiety Right Now

When was the last time you felt anxious? There's the type of anxiety that comes from day-to-day activities, such as giving a presentation in front of people or going in for a job interview. But I am talking about the chronic worry that doesn’t leave you when you wake up… READ MORE

As Long As You Love You

Over the past few weeks there has been a slight shift in my life and focus forward. Others around me seem to be projecting a lot more negativity, yet I feel more peace and self-love than ever. For starters, there is this woman who hates me as a person (her… READ MORE

Why I Lowered My Coaching Prices

Sometimes we have to derail ourselves and get lost so we can be found. This past summer, I lost my way, several times, and then came back to find me. A few months ago, I felt a lot of pressure from the outside world to raise my coaching prices. Many… READ MORE

The Struggle Is Oh So Sexy… Until It’s Not.

I’m not one to use the word sexy often if ever, nor do I enjoy the idea of struggle, but recently I came upon a profound expression of human truth, my aha moment. The struggles we feel in life can, indeed, be sexy. Allow me to explain. The past few… READ MORE

On the Cusp of Greatness… Do you feel like you are on the cusp of greatness? Do you feel like you are almost there, but something feels off? In my business coaching practice I hear clients say: “I am so close to reaching my goal, but something is missing. I feel like something is… READ MORE

On Being Profoundly Human!

How to Show Up Fully and Receive What You’ve Asked For. I’m sitting in the green room of the local morning TV show AMNW, waiting to go live for my segment. I’ve been waiting, manifesting, wishing for this day for months, years even. My new book Adventures for Your Soul… READ MORE

3 Shortcuts to Reach Unprecedented Levels of Joy Here are fun, simple ways to feel more joy now: 1. Prioritize self-care When you prioritize self-care, everything else falls into place. It is essential to take care of you. 2. The little things matter most Much of the time, we think we need to have gracious adventures or… READ MORE