How To Foster Non-Transactional Relationships In Your Life

Relationships are an essential part of the human experience. But some relationships are built more on what can I get vs. what can I give.

What is a Transactional Relationships

A transactional relationship is one in which people focus more on what’s in it for them than the bond they share with the other person. If you want to establish lasting, meaningful relationships with other people, it is important to understand signs of transactional relationships and set intentions and boundaries with your connections today’s video resource will help.

Transactional Relationships vs. Authentic Connections

Basically, transactional relationships are about what you can get, and authentic connections are about what you give back to your partner. Genuine—or “relational” relationships are built on love, attraction, and the desire to be together. In transactional relationships, however, love and affection aren’t important compared to things like money and status.

What is a Transformational Relationships

A transformative relationship is one focused on mutual respect and love. Instead of worrying about what’s in it for them, people in a transformative relationship ask, “How can we achieve our hopes and dreams together? How can we help each other become the best version of ourselves?

This type of relationship offers loyalty, trust, and protection.

Signs of a Transactional Relationship

1. One person gets much more than they give

2. There are clear expectations in the relationship

3. It feels like a businesses deal

4. One person only cares about themselves

5. There’s always an ulterior motive

6. Resentment builds over time

How To Foster Non-Transactional Relationships In Your Life

Transactional relationships do serve a purpose. However, we shouldn’t develop these types of relationships with the majority of the people in our lives. Instead, we should try to form healthy, non-transactional relationships that are based on mutual respect and a deep connection.

  1. Focus on connection and empathy
  2. Have a willingness to establish a connection with the other person
  3. Show generosity and willingness to see the other person as a human, not a business transaction
  4. Be available for other people, emotional, physically and mental
  5. Show selflessness and a willingness to step outside of your own life for the sake of the bond you share with this other person.

The more you do these things, the more you will establish a relationship partnership or transformational relationship. Over time, this will wash away the transactional nature of your bond and help you both find a deeper, more meaningful connection with each other that feels safe, happy, and healthy.


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Photo Unsplash Austin Kehmeier


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