3 Super Fast Ways to Detach From Drama

We are less then a month away from the American elections, the state of the world affairs are turbulent, and the economy seems to be fueled with negative energy and drama. To make things even more difficult, you may be in dramatic situations in your home and work environments. Trying to detach from drama can be challenging, especially if you live with dramatic people or are traveling or working with them.

I understand dramatic situations happen, as it is a part of life, but attaching to the negative energy is a choice. I take my inner peace very seriously, as I worked hard to reach it. How? you may wonder, I have cultivated a powerful practice to help me detach from drama daily.

In fact, today, I am writing you from Kyoto, Japan, on a focused trip to detach from drama in my own life.

If you are looking for simple tools to help you remain positive in difficult times and detach from dramatic people and situations, you’ll enjoy today’s message filmed in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Watch How to Detach from Drama

1. Commit to being the light.

If you are suffocated by negative energy, focus on committing yourself to being the light. You have the power to align yourself with light. Negative energy is dark and heavy. Have you ever noticed that when you’re around people who are really sad or complain a lot, you may feel sad or depressed? This is because dark energy spreads and so does positive light energy. Focus on being the light and you will spread more love. When you are committed to being the light, darkness cannot come close to you. Focus on feeling good by committing yourself to positive emotions and being the peace among the chaos.

2. Physically remove yourself.

Removing yourself from the situation is key for balancing your emotions. By physically leaving the room or walking away from the situation, even temporarily, you are showing up for yourself and saying, “I have the power to align with positive thoughts. I am committed to joy.” Don’t be afraid to walk away from the drama; removing yourself will help you stay in the light and be balanced.

3. Focus on the love.

There is love everywhere, but when we are focusing on negative energy and drama, it can be extremely hard to see the love. Instead of focusing on the dramatic situations and people, focus on the love and good that is available to you. You have the choice to be happy and peaceful, but it starts with focusing on love and aligning with light.



6 thoughts on “3 Super Fast Ways to Detach From Drama

  1. Vlove Reply

    This is soooo good! I’m going through this right now.
    I have someone and things weighing my spirit down. I know it’s in my control to leave it. But as you say darkness is heavy. I need to know & be strong to remove myself from the drama and don’t want to feel guilty about it. Does that happen, guilt?
    If you have any advise or suggestion on that – it would be great! But i love this post & it’s positivity behind it.

  2. Brenda Reply

    Great advice! I work with a man who is so negative and cynical, by the end of the day I cannot wait to leave work! When I walk away, I can almost feel the toxic energy dissipate as I walk out the door into the fresh air! I just thank God I don’t live with him! 😉

  3. kayla Reply

    Thank you for helping me find a way out of the dump of negativity. Fearfull feelings. I felt so powerless when Im sorounded by people who create so much drama and drain my body and mind. What about if the people are in your own family.How to cope with family gatherings, without being rude.

  4. Bill Reply

    I’ve been practicing these techniques for a while and they really help a lot, but I’m often accused of being in “la-la land” or sticking my head in the sand when I refuse to participate in negative conversations that are critical of other people. I would appreciate any input.

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