Vlog: Is Fear Deciding your Fate?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRqFjy-bOfw Do you have a big goal in your heart that has yes to be realized? Life traumas and bad experiences can trigger a fear response within us that is hard to handle. We often take our fear from the past and replay it in the present. On our journey to reaching… READ MORE

Vlog: How to Stay Calm in The Chaos

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaBs9U9HRFY&list=UUqrvcQgmzYplblLNmNMa9yQ&index=1   Over the past couple of days, you may have seen a shift in energy and the people around you. March is the month of chaos and things happening out of your control. With day light savings and springtime in the mix, it is a time of renewal and… READ MORE

Vlog: Stop Working So Hard

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu35z2ONSuw&list=HL1360307597&feature=mh_lolz   Shannon Kaiser shares in-the-moment tips for anyone who wants to live better every day. READ MORE

Vlog: How to Have Faith in the Darkness

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7jGXfqpmiY Whether you believe in astrology or not the energy on the earth has been heavy over the past few months. The eclipse and Venus in retrograde, made for a shaky couple of months. Maybe you felt like you were pushing uphill, or perhaps you felt like something was missing… READ MORE

Vlog: How To Make Your Dreams Come True

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfMxFuf4bUQ We as humans are conditioned to work towards things that we want, but a lot of the time when we don’t get what we want, when we want it, we become frustrated, bitter and resentful. The process of manifesting can become frustrating if we don’t see the physical manifestation… READ MORE

Vlog: Inspiration from Jamaica and Bob Marley

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeQ71wv7hV8&list=UUqrvcQgmzYplblLNmNMa9yQ&index=2&feature=plcp I was in Jamaica for the Yoga Caribbean Conference and major AHA moments smacked me in the face. Watch the video on tips from the Jamaican culture and yoga on how to live a more happy and peaceful life. READ MORE

Vlog: San Diego – Imagination is your key to happiness

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeJz_QiVeQ8 I was in sunny California using my imagination to make my dreams a reality. Insipiration was flying in San Diego and it is all around us all the time, but it is up to us to see it. Watch this video as I share tips on how to be… READ MORE