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Fear detox

Day 5

Welcome to Day 5:
Reach Unshakable Inner Peace

You did it. Welcome to the fifth and final day of your fear detox. You now have the tools and resources to be able to tap into an unshakable inner peace at any time. At this point in your spiritual journey, you are beginning to feel pulled between your old life and the new life that is emerging. You start to wake up to new possibilities, ideas and even dreams. The real you has arrived and is emerging into all that you came to be. Let yourself grow by committing to standing in your truth. This means you honor your own path and stand proud in your own light. Everything you have been through is part of your growth and great awakening. You’ve been preparing for this. The path to wholeness, wellbeing and enlightenment can feel lonely if you are growing faster than those around you. This is a reminder that you are never alone and great love surrounds you at all times. Keep pursuing your passion and living from your heart. The earth needs your light. Knowledge is the ultimate power, and knowing your true self will set you free. To understand something is to be liberated from it, which means the more you learn, the more freedom you will experience. All blocks will be released with the power of your heart and new knowledge.

Today bring it all together by stating your desires, dreams and intentions aloud to the Universe. Then write it down in a journal and give yourself time to reflect. Afterward, be still and see what messages come to you. Trust the inspiration that comes and realize this is all part of your awakening. When you are the light, others will find you and be inspired by your presence. Walk in your truth. Stand proud in your divinity.

Keep on this path and trust the light within. By saying “Yes” to your life and your dreams, you push the entire planet into greater harmony. And the best part is, you don’t have to do anything but continue to be and honor yourself.



AM Routine

Step 1: Set Your Intentions

Set your intentions for this program and the day. Create a focus on how you want to feel moving forward. 



Journal Questions to ask: (5-15 min)

  • Where have you been separating yourself or pushing against others and the world?
  • How can you show more compassion and acceptance toward those you don’t understand?
  • How can you invite more grace to guide you?
  • How can you be more compassionate with yourself and others?
  • When do you feel most nurtured and cared for?

Step 2: Come Together. Unite in your humanity, compassion and kindness.

There are a lot of distractions and fear in the world, and when we give our attention to these outside forces, we lose sight of our authentic power. You have the power to live in harmony and peace, but it starts with how you show up for others.


Look at any area in your life where you are resisting and judging. Are you pushing against what you fear and lashing out energetically? We live in a system that thrives on pushing us apart and keeping us separate from one another. Don’t fall into this trap. We need each other, differences and all. Just because someone has a different view doesn’t mean it isn’t valid. We can all exist together by allowing each other to be who we really are. Look at the separations in your life, and make a commitment to bring more unity, compassion and understanding to each situation and relationship.


You know intuitively this separation from others who see things differently isn’t working. It isn’t in your true nature. Come together and unite as one. Allow room for all beliefs and truly support one another with kindness and love. You are being called to listen with care to others. Remove judgment and refrain from needing to prove anyone right or wrong. Has part of your life become isolated in a bubble because you have surrounded yourself with a worldview that supports and reinforces your own beliefs? If so, this separation is causing you even more despair. The true you, your spirit and human best self, needs connection.


Accept and allow for differences. We are all one and need each other. Strive for unity. This is the world your soul truly wants to live in. See that harmony is possible when we come together.

Additionally, you’ve drawn this card also as acknowledgment of a job well done. You’ve been showing up in all areas of your life with a compassionate heart. You are a great healer and helper to the planet. With your loving energy, you are helping to create a better world. Keep shining bright and see God’s love in all.


Step 3: Guided Morning Meditation

You can find joy in any moment by tapping into your own sense of wellbeing. This Meditation will help align you to your truth, peace and joy.

Morning Meditation: Living with Joy (05:30 Min)

Today's Mantra:

"Everything isn't happening to me, it's happening for me."



Step 4: Listen to Podcast

Joy Seeker Podcast: Do this right now to help heal yourself and the world! The world is in a lot of anger, fear and frustration; we are at a tipping point. What is happening outside of ourselves is a reflection of what is happening on the inside of us. We can help each other and the planet by first helping ourselves. When you fall into anger toward yourself or others, be kinder. You are magnificent and wonderful and the world needs you and your love and light. Believe that you have the power to make a difference but it starts with the love you have for self. This message dives into what you can do to reach more peace in your own life and for the world.

Do this Right Now to Help Heal Yourself and the World (8 min)


Night Routine

Step 5: Watch Video Resource

How to Feel Peace in a Chaotic World (6:46)

Step 6: Evening Meditaiton

Evening meditation: Oneness Meditation (09:40 Min)

Way to Go


You've completed the 5-Day Fear Detox. You can return to this content any time for instant calm.