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Fear detox

Day 3

Welcome to Day 3:
Reach Unshakable Inner Peace

Welcome to Day 3! Hopefully, you are getting into the flow of the program. Usually by the 3rd day, you are hitting your fear detox stride. Everyone is different, but typically most are feeling more aligned and more focused. That may be a stretch for some of you, and that’s okay. Feeling tired, cranky, frustrated and irritable is common too.

You are retraining the brain and this takes time.


Remember to take some quiet time for yourself today. Consider a social media detox as well for the next 24 hours. Eliminate all distractions and drama. This includes no news, no negative friends, no drama or gossip. Disconnect from social media and your devices for as long as you can. Take some time to connect with nature by taking a hike, a walk, or just sitting in a park or grounding. Studies have shown spending time in nature has a huge impact on our mind and behavior, helping us to reduce anxiety, stop focusing on negativity, and lowering stress.


Today, write down a list of things that are truly holding you back from a life of joy and abundance. Transform this list into your personalized intentions and affirmations.


Affirmations are words you create, with the aim of helping you make a change in your belief systems. When you say an affirmation, and bring to mind a mental image that is aligned, you will find your spirit uplift, your energy shift and your thoughts change. Repeating affirmations can affect the subconscious mind, which in turn, influences the behavior, habits, actions and reactions.


AM Routine

Step 1: Set Your Intentions

Set your intentions for today. Create a focus on how you want to feel by the end of your day.


Journal Questions to ask: (5-10 min)

  • What brings you joy?
  • When do you feel like your best self?
  • What possibilities can you dream into reality?
  • When do you feel most nurtured and cared for?

Step 2: Turn Your Worry into Wonder

Dear one, you are far too hard on yourself. Your fears have been getting the best of you and causing unnecessary anxiety and stress. Fear has a sneaky way of tricking us into thinking worry is helping. Your ego loves to worry because it feels in control. But most of our anxiety is based on false perceptions and beliefs. Remove yourself from the illusions that separate you from the truth, which is love. Great love is all around you. Trust the universe and yourself because your future is big, bright, bold and so breathtakingly beautiful. As A Course in Miracles says, “You are the dreamer of the world of dreams.” When you detach from fear, you can recognize and awaken from the dream spell. You will see that we live in a dream world where you are the creator of all that you see. If what you see is blocked or unclear, use this time to create the reality you desire. Instead of focusing on feeling stuck, turn your worry into wonder by thinking about the life you want to create.

It’s possible the insecurities and doubts that have been plaguing you are not serving you. Instead of worrying, turn your attention to wonder and excitement. Now is an optimal time to focus on possibilities and dream of what could be. Remind yourself you are not off track; there is no there to get to. It is all a journey and creative adventure of your soul. So surrender to the experience and know that the unknown is nothing to fear—it is an exciting place to step into your true self and focus fully on the wonder of all of creation, as you create the world you wish to see.

Step 3: Guided Morning Meditation

This is a beautiful process to help you awaken & align with your true self. You can do this meditation during this 5-day program or at any time when you want to connect to your authentic self. Listen here.


Morning Meditation: Awaken & Align with Your True Self (06:01 MIN)

Today's Mantra:

"I am only trapped by my illusion"



Step 4: Turn Your Self-Doubt into Self-Love Lecture

A transformational audio based workshop to help you clear your fear.


Fear Detox: A Transformational Workshop to Help You Clear Your Fear (90:00 Min)


Night Routine

Step 5: Watch Video Resource

Eliminate the Worry: Here's How(5:42)

Step 6: Evening Meditation

This is a sacred time for you, and in this meditation, you will be guided on a journey to connect and trust the insights and wisdom within, to build upon your own knowing that you have a grand power within that is so magnificent and wise, your intuition. Listen here.

Evening meditation: Trusting Your Intuition (07:19 MIN)

I got you

You got this

There is more on the way. Be on the lookout for day 4.