What Gabriel Bernstein Told Me That Changed My Life Forever

How many times have you let fear of the unknown stop you from moving forward on something you really wanted to do? This fear is crippling because it brings up our unresolved situations from our past.

Flash back in time to five years ago: I had just left corporate. I was working on my first book and had a desire to lead in-person workshops. I created flyers, rented a space, created a press release, and reached out to everyone I knew. The day of the event I arrived early—eager, nervous, and extremely excited. I sat in the beautiful boutique space almost in tears when no one showed up. NO ONE. After all that effort and determination, I sat there ready to teach with no students.

My ego-based fear mind loved this because it was able to relish in thoughts like, “You are a failure, no one cares about you, you are silly for trying.”

This is what fear does. It saturates itself in setbacks. Luckily for me, I was on a spiritual path of self-improvement and I was determined to learn from this experience. I looked at it as a learning opportunity, and I leaned into love.

I called my life coach at the time, Gabriel Bernstein, and she said something I will never forget. “You showed up, you did your part—that in itself is amazing.” Then she said:


She was right. Showing up is the hardest part. Once we do show up, we have to let go of the outcome and remember we get what we need. If you have a dream tucked in your heart but you are worried about the outcome or afraid to take action, these steps can help:

Instead of Focusing on the Outcome, Celebrate the Journey

The journey is the reward and it is more rewarding when we show up fully. That’s all we can ever do, just show up and trust that the universe will do its part and give you what you need. Enjoy the journey and be proud of yourself for just showing up.

Redefine Success by How Much Joy You Feel

Gabby talks a lot about using fun as a barometer for success. If you are focused on the outcome, turn your attention to the joy and fun parts of just showing up and doing the best you can. Success is not in the numbers or accolades but the joyful energy you bring to each situation.

Take Action

Fear is a byproduct of indecision. If you are stuck in fear, it is often because you have not taken a step forward in the face of fear.

You can be just starting out with your new business or making six figures doing work you love, fear will creep in.

We say things like “What if it doesn’t work out? What if I fail? What if no one comes?” Well, what if it does work out? What if you do succeed? What if more people than you ever thought possible come?

Give yourself permission to do what is in your heart. That inspiration has come to you for a reason; your dream wants to be realized. You’ll never know if you don’t try.

If you’re moved by today’s message and you want more confidence in the face of fear, my girl Gabrielle Bernstein is offering a FREE training video to help you gain confidence in reaching your goals. Watch it here.



5 thoughts on “What Gabriel Bernstein Told Me That Changed My Life Forever

  1. Eva Reply

    I have been feeling very down and discouraged this whole week…feeling that my life was not the “success” I had hoped for. This was the exact message I needed to hear today…and I thank you for writing it.

  2. Jen Schriewer Reply

    thank you so much! Exactly what I needed to hear! It’s so hard to believe that five years ago no one showed up!? Everything happens for a reason. I especially love “redefining success by how much joy you feel.” That says it all. 🙂

  3. Lisa Reply

    Shannon, I enjoy your posts so much. I aspire to do the things you’re doing. And this post from Gabrielle inspired me so much. I have a long way to go to get past the blocks, but I’m hopeful. I have so many ideas, goals, aspirations. Knowing where to start and how to even get the means to take those steps is the problem. But I’m taking baby steps and trying to keep moving forward. I look forward to seeing you in NYC on your book tour. Registered and excited for the workshop and all that you have to offer. Thank you for being you and for being here.

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