Surprising Life Truths to Remember When You’re Stuck

Have you noticed a theme lately? I certainly have. It seems to happening across the globe: We are in a major transition. There are dramatic partings, breakups, and things coming to a close—not only romantic ones but business, friendships, family situations abruptly ending as if they have run their course. Maybe you are forced to look for a new job, or you are mourning the loss of a family member or pet, or you are trying to regain your footing after a devastating romantic parting. Chances are, there is an area of your life where major change is underway.

Although it can be easy to fall into anxiety and feel like you are off track and stuck, this is not a time to worry. If you are confused by recent events and want to make sense of your current situation, you’ll love today’s message, “Surprising Life Truths to Remember When You’re Stuck.”

Apply these principles to your life and you will glide into the next phases of your life with grace and supportive ease. Oh, and this week’s message is filmed in Paris, next to none other than the gorgeous Eiffel Tower.

Watch Here:


Life Truth #1: You get what you focus on.

Instead of focusing on how things are not working out for you, consider that everything is happening for you. The changes in your life are part of a bigger life plan. When you trust the process and focus more clearly on what you want to happen, you will create better results. If you are unhappy with the way things are, think about what you have been focusing on. Most often we don’t get what we want because we are focusing on what we don’t want. This is an easy fix though: simply shift your attention to focus on what you do have and what is working well.

 Life Truth #2: There is no off track, there is no behind.

You may feel like a recent devastating blow has put you off track or behind. But there is no off track or behind. We all have a life plan, and things are actually falling into place even when they feel different. Start to recognize the benefits of the current situation causing your stress. Instead of saying, “I am off track or behind,” simply ask yourself. “How is this is helping me grow?” Be present in the situation and you will move through it much faster.

Life Truth #3: Eventually, everything connects.

You may not see it as a blessing just yet, but stay open. The situations causing your pain are actually a rearranging and realigning for you. Your future self has a plan, and you are being guided. Remember, the things that are removed from you life are no longer serving you. Instead of thinking about how off track or behind you are, simply say to yourself, “I trust the process.” This is part of a bigger plan.

The changes are making space for something far, far better, or at least freeing you from a debilitating illusion or addiction. Know that everything that is happening to you is for your greatest good and the highest plan. Be as gentle with yourself as you can.

You can repeat Tosha Silver’s meditation” “All of my deepest needs are ALWAYS met in the most surprising and abundant ways! I trust the process.”

6 thoughts on “Surprising Life Truths to Remember When You’re Stuck


    Absolutely love this message. Thank you for doing what you do. I listen to every video and read all your facebook posts. All of which are inspiring and timely for my world.

    Thank you.


  2. Taisha Reply

    I have reached this video twice. Great message so aligned to my current situation.

  3. Patti Maggiora Reply

    Thank you Shannon! Your message today was so well timed, and yes, there is a lot of change happening all around us. For me, it’s definitely happening in my life and that of my loved ones. Bless you for being there and for your inspirational words.

    Appreciating you,

  4. Judith O'Donnell Reply

    Shannon, You are indeed the best. When you get home, may I have another session? Xo Judith

    • Shannon Kaiser Reply

      Of course Judith, but I am doing coaching while I live abroad. Home for me is everywhere, so working with me anytime is best;). All session are done on Skype, phone and/or zoom. I work with all timezones as you know. Hugs, hope you are well. Can’t wait to work with you again.

  5. Vlove Reply

    I love this!!! Especially number 3. I will have to continue reminding myself of this everyday.

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