My Step-by-Step Method to Get Rid of Problems and Insecurities

Do you have a problem that is sucking the life out of you?

Is there a problem causing you so much frustration and pain that it is hard to function on regular activities?

We all have problems and insecurities; it’s called being human. But we don’t have to let those problems bring us down. If you spend more time thinking about your problems and what isn’t working, chances are the problems in your life are consuming you and making it impossible for you to function well.

The other day a good friend expressed frustration by explaining, “I have so many problems and don’t know how to fix them.” I think a lot of the time we focus so much on how stuck we feel that solutions can’t come to us.


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So if you are focusing on what you don’t want, it will perpetuate. Instead, focus on healing and possibilities. By focusing on the good you will get more good.

Here are four easy ways to get rid of your problems and insecurities:

Step 1. Send Your Problem Love

We cannot hate our problems away. Whether it is insecurity, a situation, or frustration, you cannot frustrate yourself out of it. Instead, send your problem love by energetically sending it good vibes. For example, I use to hate my stomach. My belly was such a source of angst for me, it felt like a huge problem. Hatting it never changed it—in fact I actually gained weight. It wasn’t until I started to send my body love and treat my stomach with kindness that things changed. I started to lose weight and be more kind to my body and myself. Send your problem love—it will heal and go away.

Step 2. Forgive Yourself

A lot of the time we don’t know how we ended up in situations. We feel stuck and off track. We then blame ourselves, and this causes a ton of stress and even guilt. But the guilt actually causes more stress. Can you forgive yourself? If forgiving yourself is difficult, start by being more compassionate with yourself. Just being willing to forgive can help you heal faster. You will feel a shift inside when you truly forgive yourself. You realize you haven’t done anything wrong and you recognize all is in right order—you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. No longer is it a problem any more; it is a pathway to learn more.

Step 3. See All problems As Pathways

Consider that the problems in your life are part of helping you receive what you asked for. If you asked for romantic love but keep meeting people who aren’t a good fit, you could view this as a problem or you could see it as a pathway. Meaning each person you meet is giving you lessons and understanding about what you really want. Think of your problems as pathways and divine openings into receiving what you truly want.

Step 4. Be Aware of the Illusions of Your Mind

If you want to take it even deeper, understand that your ego loves to saturate itself in problems, whereas the loving, authentic self knows that there are no problems, just leaning. Wayne Dwyer said, “Avoid seeing anything in your life as an obstacle to fulfillment because it’s just an illusion of the mind.” All of our problems happen in our heads. They manifest sometimes into physical elements, like back pain migraines and ulcers, so it’s best to focus on healing your problems by recognizing that as fast as they are created in the mind, they can be eradicated.

Try these steps and soon you will be problem- free. I’d love to hear in the comments what steps you will take to rid yourself of insecurity.

If you liked today’s content, watch my business mentors Marie Forleo’s FREE video training to help you feel more confident and less insecure in making your dream business a reality.



7 thoughts on “My Step-by-Step Method to Get Rid of Problems and Insecurities

  1. Mel Reply

    This helped so much for today. mega thanks. I feel motivated to tackle my next project at work

  2. Bonnie Reply

    I agree with steps 1- 3. However, number 4 doesn’t work. You can’t cover all problems as illusions of the mind. Physical or even emotional abuse are not illusions of the mind. I would recommend changing or ditching number 4. Or limit it.

  3. joe davila Reply

    i love you from the waist up,you saved my life,i was going crazy with other peoples problems.some people are so negative in life,they gave up.god bless you.

  4. Jasmin Dunuan Relos Reply

    Very useful tips that I learn. It lifted up my spirit somehow.

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