How to Manifest Lasting Love (Even After Years of Heartbreak)

Today let’s talk about love. Do you want more love in your life? Do you want a fulfilling, lasting relationship with someone who understands you, appreciates, supports, and loves you? I do too. Manifesting lasting love is one of the hardest things to do when you have suffered heartbreak. But believing love is possible for you and that you are worthy is important. In today’s message, I share key steps to help you attract the love of your life. This week’s video was filmed in Kyoto, Japan. Watch here. 

1. Forgive Yourself

Often you hear to forgive the person who hurt you and focus on making amends with people from your past, but a step we often glaze over is to actually forgive yourself. You may be internally beating yourself up for your past, thinking you made mistakes, or you’re mad that you didn’t see the signs or know better sooner. Take time to grieve, but don’t do it at the sacrifice of yourself. It is important to honor your own healing process by being kind and compassionate to yourself, which starts with forgiveness. As Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

2. Thank Your Past

When you can go into your past situations and relationships you will fully be able to see their role in your life. You can truly understand that everything happened as it needed to and was supposed to. Harboring hard feelings will not serve anyone, nor will it help you attract new love. To truly free yourself from past pain, see the person’s role in your life and how they helped you become who you are today. After all, you needed to experience everything you went through in order to be who you are today, to attract your ideal partner.

3. Become What You Want to Attract.

If you want a partner who is healthy, focus on your health. If you want to meet someone who is comfortable in their body and career, work on doing that for yourself. The key to really getting the true love you deserve and want is to first give it to yourself. When you can show up for yourself consistently you will soon meet a partner who will show up in your life with the qualities and traits you truly need from a partner.

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