The Follow-Through Formula

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If you’re anything like me, you get super pumped up for new projects. Whether it is a healthier diet, starting your own website or blog, penning the book that’s been inside you, or spending more quality time with loved ones, starting projects is usually easy.

But fast-forward a few days or weeks into the future and the motivation has dwindled, we aren’t inspired, and that project that was once so much fun now feels like a chore. Ugh, it happens to us all.

Many folks feel guilty for quitting early, losing motivation, or changing their minds, so they start to feel uneasy and lack confidence.

Are you in a situation that you’ve lost motivation for?

Losing motivation is not always a bad thing it can be the Universe asking us to let go of what no longer serves us. Letting go can come in many different forms, from releasing a dream, to mourning a lost loved one. Learning how to release what was, in order to make room for what might be is the key to transitionTweet me!

I call it the follow-through formula.

Today I practice letting go of things with grace, and the process I use makes it easy. It’s called the follow-through formula. If you feel guilty for letting go of dreams, ideas, or situations that you once wanted but no longer feel right, try these tips:

1. Recognize it’s okay to change your mind

You have permission to change your mind at any moment. Our lives are always a constant redirection, refocusing and leading to your true north. Everything you do leads you to a new opportunity. Your true north is what brings you joy in each moment. What once brought you joy might not anymore. So honor your true north in each moment. Allow yourself to grow and let yourself change with life’s new chapters.

2. Release the guilt

Let go of thinking your life is off track, and instead celebrate this new journey and open up to the unknown. If you feel guilty that you want to change your mind, recognize how much you learned in the situation and then it will be easier to let it go. A lot of the time we hold on to guilt and anger because we expected something different than what is. Release your expectations and you will release the guilt.

3. Follow the green light

If you feel stuck in a situation, it could be because you are holding on to what the universe has asked you to let go of. What area of your life is calling to you? Is it to start a new project or start a family, or is it to go back to school, or start dating again? This green light is the joy route, the path that feels most expansive and joyful.

Give yourself full permission to do what feels exciting. I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Personally, I am dedicated to self-care, so my green light is continuing my yoga practice and remaining off sugar. (33 days and counting…)

What is your green light this week? What feels joyful and expansive for you?

6 thoughts on “The Follow-Through Formula

  1. Pingback: Five Things Friday 7.17.15 | Zest for Life Wellness

  2. Sue Reply

    Love your video’s.. Right now I’m stuck,, Been out of work since March 1 and too be honest, I’m not sure what direction to go into. The thing that I think is holding me back is that I’m 58 and I DO NOT WANT TO DO WHAT IS EXPECTED,,,, I want to do what makes me happy…. !!!!!!!!!!!! Even if it means less money…

    HELP…. 🙂

  3. Ivisq Reply

    Shannon, your videos are soooo inspirational and you are such a joy to watch. I hate my job because I know in my heart it’s not where I’m supposed to be. Took the job back in December because I needed a job, but hate it with a passion!!! My green light would be to leave there and work with animals or outside. Feel like I’m in a rut and need to get out. I enjoy your videos and am trying to apply your concepts. Thank you for doing this videos. You truly are a beautiful soul.

    • Shannon Kaiser Reply

      What an amazing green light. Go for it. I love animals and outside too. Your heart is leading you, trust it. And thank you so much for your kind words. Hugs to you, Love, Shannon

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