How to Be More True to Who You Really Are

When I was stuck in my depression, I used to look at other people who were living their purpose, and become frustrated because they seemed to have so much passion for life. It seemed foreign to me because I felt trapped by my life circumstances. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but all that changed when I learned the power of authenticity. I realized the majority of my depression was tied to the fact that I was ignoring the calls of my heart. I wasn’t being true to me. Once I tuned in, I discovered the real joy of living life fully from the heart. It all comes back to being who we really are instead of trying to be what the world thinks we should be.

Today I share tips to help you be more true to who you really are. These are easy ways for you to be more authentic with yourself. If you are looking for more clarity and more purpose and you want a deeper connection with your life, you will love these tips.

1. Do What You Love Daily

You have things that bring you joy— stop denying yourself pleasure. If you love art, find a way to be creative daily. If you love to travel, make sure you always have a trip planned. I make it a point to do what I love daily. I love to write and travel, so I created a life that allows me to do that as often as possible. I love nature and my dog, Tucker, so I created a home base by a nature sanctuary where Tucker and I can hike and play. It is important to honor your own internal joy. Do it daily.

2. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Part of being human is to feel fear. You may have insights into possibilities for your life, maybe to leave the job you hate or start writing that book, but then fear comes up. Don’t run from the fear. Instead step through it. As soon as you take the step through fear it will go away.


3. Love the Unlovable Parts of You

We all have insecurities and flaws, but you don’t want those pieces to hold you back. I have gained a lot of weight since I left corporate. And for a long time I hated my oversized body, but this self-hate served no one. I learned how to embrace myself fully by looking at the pieces I  thought to be as unlovable as teachers. The things we dislike about ourselves can be learning opportunities for us, as they invite in possibilities of love. Love you, all of you, for who you are. And know you are enough.

Send love to the pieces of you that you think are unlovable, because those very pieces you dislike are what make you glorious and beautiful.

What one thing will you do today to be more true to yourself? Leave your next action step in the comments below.

5 thoughts on “How to Be More True to Who You Really Are

  1. Judith O'Donnell Reply

    Finances are always the problem. I am now beyond hiring age. How do I finance those trips I love so much?

    Thank you for the book!!!! I now have time to read it now that I gave up on the FL board (which cost thousands but I can never master or love now). Thx

  2. Niki Reply

    Just about to start my Reiki teacher training which is definitely something I’m doing for myself ❤️ Reiki”ing myself is my way of giving myself love

  3. Hope Reply

    I will not retaliate to the agency which failed to let me know that they don’t need me anymore and I rocked up at work just to be shown to the door! I will appreciate this as a chance to rest and plan for better things! Thanks for your great article, it spoke to me on a deep level!

  4. Nancy Reply

    I will plan a trip for myself nearby to get the wheels in motion. I would like to travel but my hubs excuse is always the money thing. I feel left out of my life. I don’t want to wait anymore. Life is short. I will sign up for a bus trip alone if I have to.

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