Forgive Your Past with These Empowering Techniques

Do you have a situation that has happened in your life, a person who hurt you, a situation that didn’t go as planned? Maybe you are having a hard time moving forward. The best tool I use for moving forward in my life is to forgive my past.

Forgiveness is a daily practice for me—forgiving others but also forgiving myself. Sometimes I feel like I made a mistake or my life is off track, and self-forgiveness is the fastest way to pull out of that downward spiral.

Today I share tips about how to forgive your past and yourself with a video that was filmed in Berlin, Germany.


1. Acknowledge It

In order to move on, we often try to fake it or pretend it didn’t happen. It’s as if we almost energetically try to shove our embarrassments under the rug. But addressing the situation is key to moving on. Instead of running from it or pretending it didn’t happen, acknowledge it.

2. Look for the Lesson

Everything we go through has an opportunity to teach us more about ourselves and our lives. The situation or person you are having a hard time forgiving is part of your grand scheme of life lesson. There is a lesson and opportunity to learn from the situation—ask yourself what it is.

3. Forgive Yourself by Accepting What Happened

So often we try to move on, whether we want to forgive an ex love, or a boss or a parent, and most often we are actually mad at ourselves. We feel like we should have known better, we think we messed up and life isn’t working out the way it should because of the situation or person, but chances are, you have not forgiven yourself for your role in the situation. Forgive yourself for not having the foresight that you now have in hindsight. Remember, you did the best you could with what you knew at the time.

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