Are Your Insecurities and Flaws Holding You Back? This Can Help…

If you have a dream that you want actualized but feel held back because of an insecurity or flaw, you aren’t alone.

Everyone feels insecure at one time or another. But learning how to move through the insecurity is the true breakthrough.

I grew up afraid to share anything I wrote with anyone because I was such a bad speller. I worked with tutors and multiple teachers to try to improve. My best friends would make fun of me when I wrote them notes because the words were so cryptic. So you can imagine that when I left my job in advertising to follow my heart and become a writer, my childhood insecurity flared up. “Who are you to be a writer?” “How dare you think you can make a living doing what you love—you can’t even spell well.”

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Instead of focusing on my flaw, I chose to celebrate my strengths. My inner drive and unwavering dedication to spreading the message of hope and happiness pulled me forward. This propelled me into a successful writing career.

In my premier life-coaching and business mentorship programs, my clients often share flaws or insecurities that hold them back. It happens to all of us; to be human is to have insecurities. But we don’t have to focus on them. Instead of letting them stop you from reaching your goals, use them to inspire you into motivated action.

Here are three easy steps to help you move past insecurities and reach your goals:

1. See the fear and do it anyway

It’s important to recognize that insecurities and flaws are a byproduct of fear. In a spiritual sense we are perfect and whole as we are. So any focus on an area of ourselves that isn’t right is a lack mentality inspired by fear. Fear is just an area that needs love. So send love to your insecurities and the fear will go away.

2. Tell a more positive story

We often have stories we tell ourselves about our flaws. We focus on them and they can define us. But we are not our problems. Start to tell yourself a more positive story. This means you create kind thoughts inspired by love and compassion and you tell yourself loving compliments instead of mean, hurtful thing.

3. Celebrate your strengths

Instead of focusing on the insecurity and how it is holding you back, start to focus on the positive aspects of your life. Celebrate your strengths and focus on giving yourself more love.

What strength are you going to celebrate? Leave your thoughts in the comments.


2 thoughts on “Are Your Insecurities and Flaws Holding You Back? This Can Help…

  1. Melanie Reply

    My strength is that I’m resilient. Even though I’m in what seems to be a dark space right now I know that with every breakdown comes a breakthrough. It’s blogs like yours that help remind me that it’s just temporary and that blue skies are just on the other side of the gray. Thank you for this beautiful work that you do!

  2. Pingback: Friday Reads: getting through the week. | A Growth Guide

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