3 Things You Need to Have in Place Before You Make Any Radical Life Change

Are you considering leaving that job you hate?

Do you wonder if it’s time to call it quits on your romantic relationship?

Maybe you keep dreaming about the move to your dream city.

It’s never too late to go for your dreams. But make sure you make the change with planned execution and surround yourself with supportive people. Before you make any radical life change, there are certain steps you need to take to make the transition smooth:

1. Surround Yourself with Supportive People

When I first left corporate, I moved back to my hometown to be close to family and supportive people. This was an important stability factor that helped me find my purpose as a writer. I removed myself from people who were negative and focused on the people who were supportive and loving. Surround yourself with friends and family who believe in you and want the best for you.

2. Know Your Why

Why are you wanting to do what you want to do? What is the big change you are getting ready to embark on, and what is the why behind it? Get in touch with your why and let the why guide you. It can fuel you to take healthy steps forward.

3. Release Expectations

The key to manifesting anything you want is in the full release and letting go of the outcome. When you leave one situation and work to a new way of living, it’s essential to let go of expectations around how and when it has to happen. Instead, focus on the journey, as it is the true reward.

I’d love to hear from you! In the comments share what BIG, radical life change you want to embark on.


9 thoughts on “3 Things You Need to Have in Place Before You Make Any Radical Life Change

  1. Pingback: Five Things Friday 6.12.15 | Zest for Life Wellness

  2. Jess Reply

    Love it! I am about to switch gears and do some traveling through SEA for 4 or 5 months after launching Approaching Motherhood online course.

    I would add to this list. Focus more on what you are going towards and not what you are getting away from.

    If you don’t you’ll just end up attracting the same people, situations and feelings but at a different job, country or relationship.

  3. Lea Reply

    Very good advices, Simple but necessary to ask oneself before making any change….”Why….?” So important to clarify what’s Inside. Thank you. You have helped ,e this morning.

  4. Dani Reply

    My dream is to move abroad and work in an orphanage for two years.

  5. Sue Barber Reply

    Shannon., I have been receiving your weekly emails for a while now and have uses your insights to theme my yoga classes. Students always ask, “Where did you get that quote?” I am right now driving across country to relocate to PA from CO. Not my choice; my husband got a job in PA that we could not refuse. I have been teaching yoga in CO for two yearsand in CO for 20 years and built a following Now start all over. Not moving to a place that is on fire about yoga like the Denver area. Today I read in the car your article on “3 things to do before a life change ” and number three is very real for me. Let go of expectations and enjoy the journey!! This is my new focus to stay away from negative. Thanks. In Gratitude, Sue Barber

  6. Norma Roche Reply

    I agree, your WHY is so important. It acts as the motivation and energy behind making radical changes, especially when it gets challenging. When I decided to start a new business, I created a WHY acronym — HEART — to help me get clear on my why.
    H – My new business must enhance my happiness.
    E – I also want it to empower me and the people I serve.
    A – Artistic, my business would utilize my creativity.
    R – For reach, I want a business that enables me to reach out to people around the world.
    T – It’s important I create a business that allows me to have more time for me and those I love.

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