3 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Find Your Purpose and Passion

You already know that I love traveling and adventure, but my real purpose is helping others believe and trust in themselves so they can live their ideal lives. I do this by honoring my passion of travel and adventure, because the more true to myself I am, the easier it is for me to help others shine.

You, too, have gifts inside of you that the world needs.

When I first left advertising I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I felt overwhelmed by a lack of clarity because advertising was supposed to be my passion and purpose, but I wasn’t happy.

What happens when you go for what you want but it doesn’t feel like what you thought?

It was then I discovered that maybe there is a plan greater than ours. So I set out to discover what really made me feel alive and happy. Flash forward to today: I am living my dream purpose and have so much passion, most the time I don’t know what to do with all of it.

To live a passionate life is to live a full life.

Most of us don’t allow enough passion into our daily routine.

But passion is love, life, experience, and joy.

Give yourself permission to purpose your passions. Today’s tips will help.

If you are looking for more clarity and want to discover your life purpose, you’ll totally dig today’s message filmed in Fez, Morocco, one of the most magical, exotic, mysterious places on earth.

I share super easy tools to help you feel more passion and discover your purpose instantly.

Have fun, and thanks for playing with the world.

After you watch, I would love to hear what step you will take to live a more passionate life. Leave comments below.

2 thoughts on “3 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Find Your Purpose and Passion

  1. Carla Reply

    I have done this for myself. I explored my passion, for me it is health and wellness, I wrote down my curiosity: I was curious what it would be like to be a leader in the field and to own my own fitness facility. I wrote it all down along with goals and today I am a proud owner of a fitness facility. Teaching, instructing, blogging! I LOVE it! Now, I am curious about owning a café that serves healthy, locally produced foods! I’m super passionate about cooking and would love to share it with my community! Thanks, Shannon, I appreciate your posts, they inspire for sure!

  2. Lynne Reply

    Thanks again for wonderful, inspiring tips! It’s wonderful to see all the places you’ve been!! I’ve been curious about the publishing world; specifically, digital magazines for women with lifestyle and inspirational messages … really curious about all forms of communication. Thanks again, and see you in a new place next time!

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